8 Reasons To Change the Locks On Your New Home

Moving into a new home can be a thrilling experience. With all the excitement, it’s easy to lose sight of your top priority, which is safety. Even if you live in a neighborhood that seems safe, you still need to take measures to ensure that you and your home are safe at all times. A key way to achieve this is by changing your locks.

It may make a lot of sense to change your locks when you first move into a home, but there are also other times when changing house locks is necessary. We are here to answer all your questions about why changing your house locks is so important and when you should do it.

Changing Your Locks is Crucial 

Nothing beats feeling completely safe in your home. In fact, your home should be the place where you feel the safest. So taking steps to create that level of comfort and security should be a top priority. Changing your locks allows you to have peace of mind knowing that you have control over who has access to your home.

Without changing your locks, you’ll never truly know how many people may have a copy of your house keys. And the idea of a set of keys floating around can be very unsettling. Eliminate unnecessary stress by seeking a reputable locksmith service to install new locks on your doors.

door lock problem

1. Previous Residents Might Have Copies of Your Key

Many people fail to return the keys to their landlord or realtor when they move out. It’s often not a priority to them because they no longer live there. Whether this is deliberate or an honest mistake, you don’t want to take your chances by allowing previous residents to have keys to your home. Even if they are trustworthy, they may have made copies for their family/friends while they lived in the home and may not have remembered to collect those copies when they moved out.

Furthermore, if they lose your keys, they can fall into the hands of someone with ill intentions. That compromises the safety of your new home because you do not know who may have a set of keys to your home. That’s why we highly recommended that you change your locks as soon as you move into a new home.

2. Keys Given to a Service Provider

Oftentimes, before you move into a new home, a landlord will have some renovation work done or hire a cleaning service to prepare the home for a new tenant. This is a nice gesture because it ensures that you move into a place that has been prepared for you. However, if keys were given to a service provider, there is a chance that the keys were not retrieved, or copies of the keys were made without the knowledge of the landlord.

This means that someone out there may have a copy of your home keys. It’s best to have the locks changed as a safety measure. Protecting your home should always be your number one priority.


3. A Nearby Burglary

Once a house in the neighborhood has been broken into, chances are there will be additional break-ins in that neighborhood. When intruders are able to successfully burglarize a home, they will often target other homes in that particular area.

If a home in your neighbourhood experiences a burglary, this is a sign to up your security through lock change. And while you are at it, consider asking a house locksmith about upgrading your locks to a lock system that offers enhanced security.

4. Family Dispute

When there is disagreement among family members or a breakdown in the family unit, there are high emotions that can lead to irrational behavior. This is often the case when there is a separation, divorce or another familial dispute where tensions are high.

If this is the case, change your locks to make sure that you sufficiently protect yourself and your home. It is also a great way to establish new boundaries and ensure that you continue to feel safe in your home.


5. Locks are Damaged

If your locks are damaged or are not functioning well because they are worn out, it’s time to change your locks. Having to try with your lock a few times before it finally unlocks may seem like a minor inconvenience that you are willing to live with, but this is a sign that you need a new lock.

So yes, it is a big deal. Any time your locks begin to jam or show signs of aging or damage, it’s time to change them. Besides, you don’t want to wait for the lock to completely malfunction before getting a locksmith to change your lock.

6. Renter or Tenant Moved Out

Even if a previous tenant to your home was a nice person, you should still take measures to ensure that they do not have access to the home once they have moved out.

It’s critical that you change your locks before you move into your home. You should have complete control over who has a key to your house. And the only people who should have keys to your home are people you trust.


7. There is a Vacation Rental Property 

Vacation homes are very popular these days. Many travellers prefer to spend their vacation stay in a vacation home instead of a hotel – particularly for extended stays. Having a vacation rental property means that you are opening your home to people you do not know.

Therefore, security is a big concern. You need your guests to feel safe and secure in your vacation home for the duration of their stay. Keep your home safe by changing the locks after guests leave.

8. Key was Stolen or Missing

If you lose your key or suspect it has been stolen, change your locks. You have no idea who may come across the lost key. If the key was stolen, that means that there is a plan to use the key to access your home without your permission.

This is why it is critical that you change your locks immediately to ensure that your safety is not jeopardized.

Contact Us

Rapid Locksmith is here to provide the security you need to feel safe in your home. We offer expedient locksmith services you can always count on to keep your home safe 24/7. Get your home secured by calling us today!

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