Lock Replacement And Repair

For reliable door lock repair and replacement services in the Ottawa area, there’s no better option than Rapid Locksmith. Locks are a critical piece to your home security system and should not be compromised in any way. To keep your family and personal belongings safe, it’s important that you ensure your locks are in working order, and if it seems as though they aren’t, you’ll want trustworthy help to get the job done.

Door Knob Locks Replacement by Rapid Locksmith

Types of Locks We Replace

The Rapid Locksmith team is capable of replacing and repairing a wide variety of lock types. We specialize in the following types:

  • Door knob locks
  • Storefront locks
  • Mortise locks
  • Deadbolt locks
  • High-security locks
  • Electronic (keyless) locks

Note that our services are not limited to these, and our team will be happy to take care of any replacements or repairs not listed here that you are in need of.

Reasons to Have a Locksmith Change Your Locks

Although not common, you will occasionally need to repair or change your home locks. Having a professional team on call for when the need arrives will help reduce the burden associated. Here are a few examples of times in which you’ll want to lean on the support of Rapid Locksmith:

 locksmith Changing Locks for Interior Doors

Damaged Doors or Locks

If you’ve noticed damage to the exterior of your doors, it could be a sign that unwanted intruders are trying to gain entry. This is a good indication that your security has been compromised and that you need to ensure your locks are in proper working order. Alternatively, if your lock has deteriorated with age and no longer functions as it once did, we’re happy to help with that replacement as well.

You’ve Moved Houses

When you move into a new house, there is no way of knowing who may have a key to the locks currently installed. It’s best that you replace the locks, or at a minimum rekey them, to ensure that you are in complete control of who is able to gain entry to the home.

Exterior Residential Lock Replacement

A Tenant or Resident Has Left

If you have had tenants leave a property or a roommate say goodbye, it’s best to ensure that only active-residents have access to the home by changing or rekeying the locks.

You’ve Lost Your Keys

If you’ve managed to lose your keys, it’s best that you have your locks replaced or rekeyed. Wandering keys can easily end up in the wrong hands, giving individuals access to your home without permission. The best to avoid that is by ensuring that the key they’ve found is made useless.

With years of experience in the lock replacement and repair space, Rapid has become a trusted locksmith in the Ottawa area. If you’re in need of fast, reliable lock replacement or repair services, get in touch with our team today!